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HLS系列霍尔效应水平传感器(HLS)是custom designed solutions用于在宽温度范围内监测连续流体水平,校准自定义可编程输出对于各种油箱几何形状。HLS系列是一个带有用于长期设计的板载微控制器的智能传感器固态可靠性inharsh environments,提供高分辨率和准确性。可在各种带有温度补偿固态传感元件的粗糙封装中提供。我们的专利申请和革命性设计可以用PP,PA,NBR和不锈钢壳体和不锈钢壳体配置,以及multiple mounting options。与燃料,油,水,乙醇混合物,柴油和其他液体相容。可以满足IP67要求。



解决 <1mm.
准确性 +/- 2%
模拟输出 0-5V或4-20mA
Storage Range -40c至+ 125c
工作范围 -40C to +85C
注意:上述规格是典型的。 请咨询我们的销售和工程团队,了解超出这些规格的要求。“






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Standex Electronics | Company Video

亚搏官方app下载Standex Electronics是一个全球设计,开发和制造标准和定制电磁元件的全球市场领导者,包括磁性产品和基于簧片开关的解决方案。亚搏娱乐在线


Standex Electronics | Values

亚搏官方app下载Standex Electronics新公司视频通过我们的合作伙伴,解决和提供方法分享我们的全球制造和供应链功能。

亚搏官方app下载Standex Electronics动态工程和不同产品系列的定制和标准组件为广泛市场和应用提供可靠的高质量解决方案。亚搏彩票平台我们的强大产品包括簧片开关,继电器和传感器,平面变压器和电感器,以及为汽车,HVAC,替代能源,照明/ LED,设备,MIL航空,医疗和其他许多提供解决方案的流体电平传感器。..


Standex Electronics solved an automotive customer's problem and delivered a custom, fast design and quick turn molded liquid level sensor solution that fit the exacting needs for space and performance, while eliminating any potential for a battery coolant leak.



Standex Electronics is a global leader in the design, development, and manufacturing of standard and custom Reed Sensors and standard sensors.


簧片开关work well with smart home automation systems because they draw no power compared to other magnetic sensing elements. They can be married to a wireless or Bluetooth technology and placed in remote battery powered door sensors or window sensors, or anything where you’re looking for movement or proximity. They’re a very cost-effective and robust component suitable for the home environment, requiring fewer connections resulting in longer battery life.

In today’s homes and also commercial properties, there’s an increased necessity for control to improve efficiency and productivity. And with that control, you have different products that measure temperature, water levels, security, and locks, so within those products reed switches play a major role in making them “smart”.

Standex Electronics is a global leader in the design, development, and manufacturing of standard and custom Reed Switches.

产品培训模块 - 磁铁技术及其用途

欢迎来到Standex亚搏官方app下载 Electronics,我们将探索磁铁是什么以及如何在电子行业中使用。我们将定义与磁铁有关的关键术语,我们将探讨他们所做的,以及它们的使用方式。

产品培训模块 - 液位传感技术

Welcome to Standex Electronics' presentation on the Liquid level sensing technology. We will present and define the liquid level sensing technology. We will also present the key functions and define all critical terms. Along with this we will investigate the various package configurations and review the various expanding applications.

产品培训模块 - 汽车液位传感

欢迎来到Standex亚搏官方app下载电子电子presentation on the exciting dramatic increase in automotive applications using hermetically sealed reed sensors. They are having a significant effect on automotive safety and adding to the overall vehicle intelligence. We will present the reed sensor's technology, how they 'tie into' the applications, and show how they solve the application's problem. We will also present many of the applications and go into detail on some of them.


簧片开关是簧片传感器,电平传感器和簧片继电器中的核心元素。由两个铁磁叶片组成的磁性接触开关在玻璃管内是气密密封的。玻璃管填充有高纯度惰性气体。在非操作条件下,簧片开关触点不接触。亚搏官方app下载Standex Electronics在簧片开关制造中领先地位......

Reed Switch Technology

亚搏官方app下载Standex Electronics Expert讨论了REED开关技术,为什么REED交换机在许多应用中发挥如此重要的作用。


Standex Electronics's technical expert describes their 3D Magnetic Mapping capabilities used in reed sensor applications


在带有致动磁铁的3-D中所示的表面安装PCB组件上的簧片开关传感器。当三维观察时,从磁铁发出的磁通量线看起来像啤酒桶桶;并且还有三维,与磁铁平行于簧片开关,中心磁凸刀阵列看起来像甜甜圈,两个外侧叶片看起来更像是一个拳击手的冲压袋 - 从天花板上挂着那种挂着的悬挂。基本上,当三维观察时,来自磁体的场和凸起的场是对称的。如在两个维度中所见,当磁铁进入其中一个凸起时,簧片开关触点将关闭。现在,如三维所示,磁铁可以在任何球形方向上伸入叶片以进行接触闭合。这里,当磁体进入凸起并通过它们时,磁体移动到簧片开关的裂片的范围内,示出了磁磁带并通过它们时,照明的变化意味着簧片开关触点的关闭和打开。

Como se Fabrica un Ampolla Reed (ES)

Construir los interruptores de lengüeta no es ningún trabajo fácil. Ser la fábrica más moderna de su clase en Europa, nuestra producción en Turingia es un mundo de ellos mismos. El tamaño de estos componentes de alta precisión es extremadamente reducido, la capa ultrafina y el trabajo meticuloso se requieren en cada paso de la producción. Esta microtecnología permite la producción en masa de los productos de alta calidad a precios competitivos.

亚搏官方app下载2013年AHR Expo的Standex Electronics

Alex Vinnage讨论了2013年AHR Expo的STASEEX ELECTRONICS的出席人员。亚搏官方app下载

Linea De Productos 亚搏官方app下载Standex电子(ES)

Los Irnerupores deLengüeta,RelésdeLengüetaySensoresdeLengüetasonnuestos ProductosMás的重要组。Estos Tres Grupos Tienen Una Cosa enComún:El Interruptor deLengüetaEsESELEMENTOONúcleododosellos。Los Interrupores delengüeta如此Dispositivos OperAdosMagnéticamente,Que Han Sido Spornados Por Laboratorios Bell A Principios de LosAñoS1940'Cen Estados Unidos。FUNCIONAN CON UN PRONIPIO简单:DOS HOJASFERROMAGNÉTICASTASLAPADASDEHIERROSEE SELANEN UN UN TUBO DE CRISTAL,SEPTADOS POR UNA DITANADIA DE SOLAMENE UNOS POCO MICRYS ...


Les Ampoules Reed,Les Relais Reed et Les Capteurs Reed Sont NoS Produits Les Plus进口程序。CES TROIS GROUPES ONT UNE选择EN CANCE:L'AMPOULE REED,«AUCœur»DE TOUS CES PRODUE。Selon Un Principe简单:Deux LamesFerromagnétiquesQui Se Chevauchent,SontScelléesDansUn Tube De Verre,SéparéesCarUne距离De Quelques Microns Spulement ...


Fabririquer des安瓿芦苇n'est pas un travail facile。耶特L'USINE LA Plus Moderne Dans Son Tenre En Europe,Notre Production de Thuringe Est«Dans Un Autre Monde»。La Tilele de CesComporantsàHautePrécisionSESTExtrêmement娇小,L'denuit Ultra-Mince,UnTavailMéticuleuxEstExigéDansChaqueÉtapede生产。Cette Micro Technologie Permet La Production EnSériede Produits deQualitéAuxGrixConcurrentiels ...


MOLTO SPESSO SONO LE COSEPIùPiccole广告Avere L'Impatto Maggiore Nella Nostra Vita。Volte Non Le Percepiamo Neanche,Anche Se Rendono La Nostra VitaPić欺骗了e Sicura。Sono Inflictizzate在veicoli,Ingegneria della Sicurezza,Elettrodomestici,Dissositivi Medici,Telecomunicazione E Sistemi Industriali Di Igni Tipo。Precisi,Audidabili E di Lunga杜拉塔。Questi Interruttori Reed,Sensori eRelèMiniaturizzatiLavorano Instancabilmente Switeo La Legge Di Reed。Anche Se A Prima Vista Sembrano Semplici,Sono InRealtàSleLeVere e Proprie Meraviglie Dell'ingegneria Che Solo Poche Aziende Al Mondo Sono在Grado di Produrre。E Noi Siamo Una Di Esse:Meder Electronic。Prodotti Innovativi Per IL Futuro ...

Gamma di Prodotti 亚搏官方app下载Standex电子(IT)

Interruttori Reed,Relè里德e Sensori Reed Sono I Nostri ProdottiPiùQueste Tre Cateacorie di Prodotti Hanno Una Cosa在Comune:L'Ampolla Reed,CheèiLLoroElemento Centrale。Le Ampolle Reed Sono Dispositivi Azionati Iconegetamente,Che Furono Inventati Nei Primi Anni'40 Overti Stati Uniti,Nei Labori·贝尔。Funzionano Secondo联合国Principio Molto Semplice:Due Lame Di Materianle Ferromagnetico Sono Evilizate All'Interno di Un Tubo di vetro ...






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